at the gates, draugen, truberbrook, children of morta, sable

Over 123 Exciting Indie Games Launching in 2019

I started this list of interesting indie games releasing in 2019 with the most genuine of intentions, I promise. How it ballooned to over 123 games remains a mystery even to me. It started at 20, climbed to 70, concluded at 123, and then went into overtime. But given the apparent worthiness of every single game on the list, I’d be remiss to deny each of them their place. All of them deserve to be acknowledged and watched with anticipation.

Each game will be listed in alphabetical order with its title, developer, current release date/window, and then follow-up links for its most relevant storefront profile, trailer, and Twitter account as available. The list is already rather unwieldy, what with over 123 games features, so just the basics are covered. I’d absolutely encourage folk to spend some time checking out each game and hopefully make their own list of indie games to watch this year. Just to provide some added attention, I’ve also bolded games planned to release in January.

This isn’t meant to be a list of every independently developed game planned for release in 2019, as that list really would be impossible to put together and maintain. It’s a mixture of games from the Kinda Funny Games Showcase, games I know of via PR contacts, and games that stand out on social media — indie Twitter is brilliant and wonderful. I will absolutely be expanding this list and updating it as I’m able, so please look forward to it!

Enjoy the year and play everything that you’re able!

3 minutes to midnight



mineko's night market


winds of change

* Available now.
** Delayed.

January 10 Update: Added At the Gates, The Blackout ClubEastshade, Godhood, Green Hell, MythgardSmith and WinstonTreasure StackUnruly Heroes, and Winds of Change. Updated Triwave release date.

Contact Rory: Email, Twitter

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